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Dubai Flooding Yesterday


Devastating Floods Hit UAE After Record Rainfall

Torrential Downpours Cause Chaos and Devastation

April 16, 2024 | 2:44 PM PDT

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been battered by the heaviest rainfall in 75 years, causing widespread chaos and devastation. Some areas received over 250 mm of rain, far exceeding the average annual rainfall of 947 mm. The Arabian Peninsula was hit by the unprecedented rainfall, leading to widespread flooding that shut down schools and grounded flights. Dubai, the financial center of the Middle East, has been particularly hard-hit, with torrential rains paralyzing the city. Tragically, the floods have also claimed 18 lives in neighboring Oman. As of Tuesday, more than 142 mm of rain had fallen in Dubai, causing severe flooding. The city typically receives just 373 inches of rain per year. The unprecedented rainfall has overwhelmed drainage systems, leading to widespread flooding that has inundated roads, homes, and businesses. Dubai's decision to engage in cloud seeding, a weather modification technique, has come under scrutiny as some experts believe it may have contributed to the extreme rainfall. The city's efforts to "play God" with nature have raised concerns about the potential unintended consequences of manipulating the weather.

